Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hello world!

Corny? Yes, but then again, so am I. First post on this blog, and what to say. Well the reason for this is to share with my friends and family, and hopefully to inspire someone out there in some way.

So what do I like? The four "F's"...food, fashion, family, and friends, in no particular order of course. So that is what will be featured on this blog, with a dash of travel and who knows what else.

What I like today (pictured at right):

Koi ring from nOir. Priced at $125.00US from nOir, Gilt is currently featuring the ring for $54.00US. I have seen images of the porcupine ring floating around for a while, but this one really strikes my fancy. Mostly because it is a fish, an oddly cute one at that.


  1. YAY little sister now don't forget to check out mine

